Have a gratitude list
Start with just three things. If you come up with more just add more
1. husband and children 2. God 3. Books. 4. science toys. 5. Food. 6. Water. 7. Art Make Money With Zazzle without being an Artist or if you Are One
I am an artist. I create abstract modern art. I also create whimsical cute designs. I wrote this article hoping to encourage others to promote my art and other great zazzle artists. I make money creating and selling art on Zazzle with my store called ‘abundancelovetrip’. You may visit my artwork at http://www.zazzle.com/abundancelovetrip. Even the non-artist can make money on Zazzle without having to post one single product for sale. If you are an artist like myself, you can learn some tips here to promote yourself and encourage people to make $$ off your art. Even though people are making money promoting your artwork, you are definitely profiting as well.
Zazzle.com is a print on demand customizable product site where artists put up their art for sale on posters, postcards, holiday cards, business cards, home décor, plates, canvas prints, shirts, ties, mugs, throw pillows, candy tins, key chains, photo prints, awards, watches, sandals, and much more.
Zazzle only produces the products when people buy them. This is a plus for the environment. Many of the products allow the customer to customize to their personal taste.
You don't have to be an artist or photographer to make money with zazzle.com. By promoting the artists and brands you love, you get a percentage of the sale. It helps if you are passionate about art and the artists you want to promote. There is a lot of work in being an affiliate. Just as there is a lot of work being an artist. To be an affiliate and make money you will need to sign up at zazzle.com under the affiliate plan. You need to get your affiliate code links out there.
Do the things you love to do, like blog or chat friends at Facebook while promoting your affiliate links from Zazzle.com. I have found that when blogging, content is king but others like just the art and make their own art awards.
These articles will teach you the know how to make extra cash as well as to find and discover new artists, tips for other small business and artists as well..
Here are Some Key Points About the Referral Program:
1. How It Works - A simple way to promote is to join zazzle. Open the link to a product you like and use the ‘share this’ function. It really makes it easy. The share this function is on each product page. Once that is completed, sign in or log in to your Zazzle account. Next, click on a particular item you would like to promote in the Zazzle seller's store. Just underneath the photos of the item is the 'share this' icon and link. You can tweet, and us Facebook as examples. You can use the link function and copy the code right on your blog. To find your personal Associate ID Number, look in the 'Associate' section of your Zazzle store. There you will find your Associate ID Number and a sample link that you can copy and test to make sure you are logged in using your ID number and not someone else's
2. If a customer decides to buy a different product than mine and the customer allows cookies you will get a bonus for that sale unless their cookies are turned off or they already clicked on another link.
3. Neither you nor I distribute or ship the products the customer orders. Zazzle.com handles the shipping.
4. You can lose income if a customer cancels their order, which does happen from time to time. There are a few things to reduce those chances. If you are an artist do not use stolen images. Just because you like a book or movie or you come up with funny saying to go with someone else's image does not make it original. If you do create your own products and see a product you love on zazzle do not copy it refer them. When people copy other people's products they dilute the market making less money for everyone. By referring the products instead you are making both you and the store you promote money.
It is important not to promote or refer sellers that feature designs that you know will lead to an order being rejected. If a product is R in nature it must be rated R or the sale may also be canceled.
5. You get a percentage from everything the customer buys using your referral link for up to 40 days.
6. Blogs - A great way to promote referrals is to promote them on your blog. Many Zazzle sellers agree that by blogging, your posts are picked up very quickly by the search engines and you can make multiple sales from the same post. A very effective way to promote your blog is by posting comments on other blogs. Take care to not spam and only leave relevant comments to the article the blog owner has posted about on their blog. There are many free blog services.
7. Gather a list of brands and zazzler stores you want to promote regularly. Disney has a brand of zazzle.com . You can like favorite stores and even opt in to have updates come to your email.
8. Zazzle has now removed html ability from most of the stores except for select stores. This was because many sellers had music and outside links.
9. Zazzle referrals are Blacklink driven. You can increase the odds by getting more links out there. The more ways you promote, such as blogs, websites. The more people will see what your promoting. You are creating backlinks for the artists.
10. To earn a referral bonus, your referrals can come from your blog, website and facebook. Twitter and pinterest often strip referral codes. I do tweet products but not for referrals but because its a fast way to promote my own stuff and away to promote some of my friends. I know I am not going You can tweet a blog instead of the product directly.
11. Warning: Some people try to build up referrals by less than honest means. Do not do this. Never make links pretending your another famous site or with a similar name. It's not legal and violates trademark laws.
12. Summer and Holidays Sales can dip in the summer because people are busy and less people promote. Also people forget that they need to promote holiday products are month or two before the holiday. You might lose some sales if you wait till the last minute.
How to Add Zazzle Products to Your Bloger blog Step by Step
1. Make sure your signed into your Zazzle account
2. To go to any product even one that's not yours 3. Look for something titled share.
4. Near the cross is a button link that says Link. Open it. Another window will open. Make sure its opened up to link to this. Option 2. Is Copy and paste HTML. Copy the code into your blogger form.
5. Paste into your blog and save. Do again until the number of products look good to you. Then you hit publish. 6. When you copy products into a forum you use BBcode not html but forums might strip codes and you will need permission to promote them.

Divine Seahorses in love Party Plates by AbundanceLoveTrip
Create unique custom plates online at Zazzle.
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